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Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation

Job Opportunities

Park rangers

About Workforce Development:

FWCAC is actively seeking employment and training opportunities for members. FWCAC’S aim is to develop a workforce for effective operations in the Co-management of Parks, the management of Native Title held land and ecology, meeting mining employment targets, and other enterprise and economic development ventures linked to the FWCAC Group of Entities.

Opportunities may arise for members in these operational areas including free training options, skill development and recognition, contracted employment, on the job training and assessment, vacancies with partnering organisations, various heritage based activities and more.

Job Opportunities

Register interest in FWCAC Workforce Development

Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation (FWCAC) is the Registered Native Title Body Corporate under the Native Title Act and a prescribed body corporate under Commonwealth Government legislation. The Corporation represents and delivers services to the common law owners of the land and waters of the Far West Coast of South Australia.

EOI for Casual Work Opportunities

Under our Workforce Development Program, we are seeking registrations from FWC Members interested in irregular, casual and short term employment opportunities that may arise in the Co-management of Parks, Native Title land, ecology management and various enterprise and economic development ventures linked to the FWCAC Group of Entities………To download the registration form

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