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Far West Coast Corporation



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Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation


FWCAC manages the Far West Coast land, recognised in law (having been Determined) as belonging to the Far West Coast Aboriginal Peoples in the Federal Court Determination for Native Title on the 5th of December, 2013.

The boundary recognises the claim area of the 6 cultural groups who are represented by the FWCAC, and their subsequent cultural authority as a whole and is considered the Far West Coast region.

A decision made at Spear Creek assisted the 6 cultural groups to form a larger unified claim in order to achieve native title, and the legacy of this decision making is still observed in achieving equal representation from all 6 cultural groups.

6 Distinct Cultural Groups:

  • Mirning Peoples
  • Wirangu Peoples
  • Kokatha Peoples
  • The descendants of Edward Roberts
  • Yalata Peoples
  •  Maralinga Tjaratja (Oak Valley) Peoples

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